The sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act 2013 is an act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at work place.Sexual harassment results in the violation of basic fundamental rights of women such a Right to equality under article 14,15 and her right to life and live with dignity under article 21 of the constitution of India.In accordance with the guidelines of the Notification given by AICTE Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)is formed as a grievance redressal mechanism at institute level.
Committee Details
# | Name | Designation | |
1 | Ms.dipika Kanubhai Raval | CONVENER | |
2 | Dr. Lopa Kirankumar Sanghavi | MEMBER | |
3 | Dr. Ritu Kishor Soni | MEMBER | |
4 | Ms. Latika Lalitkumar Shah | MEMBER | |