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Teaching Experience
27 Years
Industry Experience
2 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
#Organization NameDesignationStart DateEnd DateExperience Type
1Government Polytechnic BhujIncharge Head of Department 29-06-1998CONTINUETEACHING
2Underground Coal Mine Sasti Colliery Mine No Overman 13-10-199613-04-1997INDUSTRY
3Underground Coal Mine Sasti Colliery Mine No Overman 10-10-199510-10-1996INDUSTRY
4Sociedade de Fomento Industrial Limited OpencOverman 27-09-199102-12-1991INDUSTRY
5Underground Coal Mine Jamuna Kotama mine no 9Overman 03-11-198920-02-1990INDUSTRY
#DegreeUniversitySpecializationPassing Year
1Master of TechnologyBanaras Hindu UniversityMine Environment2017
2Bachelor of EngineeringNagpur UniversityMining1995
#TitleStart DateEnd DateTraining TypePlace
2Operation & Maintenance of Science Lab Equipment 27-03-202331-03-2023STTPNITTTR Bhopal
3MOOCS Courseware Development31-10-202211-11-2022STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
4Surface Mining Technology (MOOC-Online)25-07-202214-10-2022MOOCNPTEL
5Underground Mining of Metalliferius Deposits (MOOC-Online)26-07-202115-10-2021MOOCNPTEL
6UDAYAM E-Content Development (Online)28-07-202018-08-2020STTPKCG
7Comprehencive Online Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (Online)06-07-202014-09-2020STTPi-HUB
8Pedagogy & Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education and Academic Governence 15-07-201919-07-2019STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
9Evaluating Students' Performance & Designing Question Papers 25-02-201901-03-2019STTPNITTTR Kolkata
10Introduction to Network Security 03-12-201807-12-2018STTPNITTTR Kolkata
11Outcome Based Education & Accreditation 24-09-201828-09-2018STTPNITTTR Kolkata
12Soft Computing Techniques using MATLAB through ICT (Online)05-03-201809-03-2018STTPGovernment Polytechnic, Bhuj
13Basics & Application of Geospetial Technology & Remote Sensing for environmental Conservation25-02-201825-02-2018STTPSerenity Library & Botanical Garden, Ahmedaba
14Programme on Project Formulation- Climate Change Mitigational and Adaptation at Bhuj, Kutch,Gujarat19-02-201823-02-2018STTPBhuj- Kutch Gujarat
15Scilab Programing through ICT (Online)21-08-201725-08-2017STTPGovernment Polytechnic, Bhuj
16Coal Benefication12-12-201617-12-2016STTPIIT, BHU
17Knowledge Enrichment Program on Mine Surveying27-04-201502-05-2015STTPiCEM, Ahmedabad
18Developing Teaching Learning Resources using Digital Media02-03-201513-03-2015STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
19Industry Institute Partnership 07-07-201411-07-2014STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
20Karmayogi Residential Training for Quality Improvement Program in technical Education 14-02-201416-02-2014STTPCTE Gandhinagar
21Developing PEO's PO's & CO's for Degree & Diploma Programme in Mechanical & Allied Branches 30-09-201304-10-2013STTPNITTTR Extension Centre Ahmedabad
22Faculty Developmennt Programme in Enterpreneurship 18-03-201322-03-2013STTPEDI Ahemdabad
23Performance Appraisal and Staff Development (Summer School)16-07-201220-07-2012STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
24Managerial Skills for Technical Teachers and Administrators 11-06-201222-06-2012STTPNITTTR Extension Centre Ahmedabad
25Surveying using Total Survey Station08-11-201112-11-2011STTPCEPT University
26Industrial Training15-11-201027-11-2010INDUSTRIALKarmayog Minchem Industries Bhuj Kutch
27Industrial Training01-03-200831-03-2008INDUSTRIALKarmayog Minchem Industries Bhuj Kutch
28Industrial Training01-05-200630-05-2006INDUSTRIALGMDC Panandhro
#TitleDate Of AchievementDescription
1Life Member of ISTE01-01-2018The Indian Society For Technical Education is a national level organization offering such type of certificate for promoting the quality and standards in technical education
2Expert Trainer11-10-2017This certificate was awarded for RUSA cell Government Polytechnic Bhuj for my training session as Best from the Waste.
3Best Member of the Chapter Award MEAI Ahemada14-06-2015This award was given to me for my outstanding performance in the chapter during the year 2015 for organizing a state-level seminar at Kutch University for MEAI Ahemadabad chapter.
4Life Member of MEAI20-05-2005The Mining Engineering Association of India is a National organization of mining engineers offering such type of certificate to its life members.
5Overman Certificate of Competency10-07-1997Under the Coal Mines Regulation 1957 an Overman Certificate of Competency is issued to a candidate to act as a statutory person in any underground coal mine.
6Gas Testing Certificate08-11-1993A Gas Testing certificate is issued by the Board of Examination DGMS Dhanbad after successful completion of the gas testing exam.
#TitlePublication TypePublication DateProceeding NameDoiIssnProceeding Type
1:Air Quality Characterization in Coal mines with special reference to existing standardResaarch14-11-2017International Journal of Emerging Trends & Te http://www.ijettcs.org/Volume6Issue6/IJETTCS-2017-11-14-23.pdf2278-6856JOURNAL
2Assesment of water quality near visinity of lignite mine region,Gujarat,india, a case studyResaarch05-05-2017Iternational Advanced Reasearch Journal in Sc10.17148/IARJSET.2017.45092393-8021JOURNAL
3Overview of Active and Passive System of Treating Acid Mine DrainageResaarch05-05-2017International Advanced Research Journal In Sc10.17148/IARJSET.2017.45252393-8021JOURNAL
4 Technical approach of strata control in underground mines: A case study of WCL minesResaarch05-05-2015TIJER - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNALhttps://www.tijer.org/tijer/papers/TIJER1505001.pdf2349-9249JOURNAL
5Emperical Design of Mine Support System: a case study of SCCL mineResaarch08-04-2015Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovatihttps://www.jetir.org/view?paper=JETIR1701C352349-5162JOURNAL

About us

Government Polytechnic, Bhuj, is the only government-run polytechnic in the Kutch region, Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and NBA Accredited