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Teaching Experience
20 Years
Industry Experience
10 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
#Organization NameDesignationStart DateEnd DateExperience Type
1Government Polytechnic, BhujLecturer in mechanical engineering 25-12-2012CONTINUETEACHING
2Sir Bhavsinhji Polytechnic Institute, BhavnagLecturer in Mechanical Engineering14-03-200524-12-2012TEACHING
3Indian Rayon and Industries Limited, VeravalSenior Engineer09-10-199512-03-2005INDUSTRY
#DegreeUniversitySpecializationPassing Year
1Master of EngineeringMaharaja Sayajirao UniversityMechanical2013
2Bachelor of EngineeringGujarat UniversityMechanical1991
#TitleStart DateEnd DateTraining TypePlace
1Sustainable Happiness08-07-202413-09-2024MOOCOnline Mode by NPTEL, at G.P.Bhuj,
2Ethics in Engineering Practice14-08-202313-10-2023MOOCOnline Mode by NPTEL, at G.P.Bhuj,
3Yoga and positive psychology for managing career and life14-02-202313-04-2023MOOCOnline Mode by NPTEL, at G.P.Bhuj,
4E-Content Development Course28-07-202018-08-2020MOOCOnline Mode by KCG, at G.P.Bhuj,
5Comprehensive Online Training on Intellectual Property Rights06-07-202014-09-2020MOOCGujarat Student Startup and Innovation Hub /
6NBA ACCREDITATION23-09-201927-09-2019STTPAVPTI, Rajkot
7Beyond the classroom towards excellence03-09-201909-09-2019MOOCIIIT Gandhinagar
8Evaluating Students Performance and Designing Question Papers25-02-201901-03-2019STTPOnline Mode by NITTTR, at G.P.Bhuj,
9Manufacturing Process Modelling And Simulation04-06-201815-06-2018STTPBVM, V.V.Nagar
10Soft Computing Techniques using MATLAB05-03-201809-03-2018STTPOnline Mode by NITTTR, at G.P.Bhuj,
11SCILAB Programming through ICT21-08-201725-08-2017STTPOnline Mode by NITTTR, at G.P.Bhuj,
12Managerial skills for technical teachers and administrators15-05-201726-05-2017STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
13Multi Media Tools and Utility through ICT mode27-03-201731-03-2017STTPOnline Mode by NITTTR, at G.P.Bhuj,
14Cyber Crime and Forensic Tools through ICT mode06-02-201710-02-2017STTPOnline Mode by NITTTR, at G.P.Bhuj,
15Mathematical Modeling,Optimization, Fractional Calculus And Their Computations In Engineering And Sciences21-06-201625-06-2016STTPSVNIT Surat
16Emerging Trends In Teaching Aids06-06-201617-06-2016STTPG.P.Bhuj
17Fundamental and Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics01-06-201505-06-2015STTPSVNIR, Surat
18Latest development in CAD/CAM and PLM technology.10-11-201415-11-2014STTPIITRAM, Ahmedabad
19Developing lab Practice and mini project work leading to skill development in mechanical & allied disciplines for 3rd to 5th Semester diploma courses.30-06-201404-07-2014STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
20Use of Design Software in Mechanical Engineering06-01-201417-01-2014STTPNITTTR, Bhopal
21Emerging Technologies in Automobile Engineering11-11-201322-11-2013STTPFaculty of Technology, MSU, Baroda
22Virtual Instrumentation in Engineering Applications08-03-201309-03-2013STTPCSP Institute of technology, CHARUSAT, Anand
23Metal Casting, Complete Manufacturing Cycle.26-10-200921-11-2009INDUSTRIALKRISLUR Industries, Chitra GIDC Bhavnagar
24Induction Training Prog- II15-06-200926-06-2009STTPNITTTR, Bhopal, Ext Centre Ahmedabad
25Induction Training Prog- I08-09-200819-09-2008STTPNITTTR, Bhopal, Ext Centre Ahmedabad
#TitleDate Of AchievementDescription
1NPTEL (MOOC) Online Certification16-05-2024Achieved a position in the top 5% and Gold Certificate in the "Educational for Sustainable Development" course.
2NPTEL (MOOC) online Certification20-11-2023Achieved a position in the top 2% and Silver Certificate in the "Ethics in Engineering Practices" course.
3NPTEL (MOOC) online Certification17-05-2023Achieved a position in the top 1% and Elite Gold Certificate in the "Yoga and Positive Psychology for Managing Career and Life" course.
#TitlePublication TypePublication DateProceeding NameDoiIssnProceeding Type
1Design of half wavelength velocity horn profile of ultrasonic machine using MATLAB built-in functions.Research21-12-2013International conference on Innovation in AutN.AN.A.CONFERENCE
2Design of velocity horn profile of ultrasonic machine using MATLAB script programming.Research22-12-2012VVP-ITES-2012 conference - International ConfN.A.N.A.CONFERENCE

About us

Government Polytechnic, Bhuj, is the only government-run polytechnic in the Kutch region, Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and NBA Accredited