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Teaching Experience
12 Years
Industry Experience
0 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
#Organization NameDesignationStart DateEnd DateExperience Type
1Government Polytechnic BhujLecturer28-10-201612-01-2025TEACHING
2Government Engineering College BhujAssistant Professor24-10-201327-10-2016TEACHING
3HJD Institute of Technical Education and ReseAssistant Professor01-07-201323-10-2013TEACHING
#DegreeUniversitySpecializationPassing Year
1Master of EngineeringGujarat Technological UniversityMechanical Engineering (Automobile Engineerin2013
2Bachelor of EngineeringHemchandracharya North Gujarat University Mechanical Engineering2011
#TitleStart DateEnd DateTraining TypePlace
1E commerce and Supply Chain02-09-202406-09-2024FDPOnline (NITTTR Bhopal)
2Sustainable Happiness22-07-202413-09-2024MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
3Anchor Consumer Products Private Limited10-06-202429-06-2024INDUSTRIALPaddhar – Bhuj Kutch - Gujarat
4Education for Sustainable Development22-01-202412-04-2024MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
5Educational Leadership24-07-202330-10-2023MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
6Outcome Based Education and Accreditation20-02-202324-02-2023FDPNITTTR Bhopal
7Assessment of Lab Experiments in Mechanical Engineering04-07-202208-07-2022FDPNITTTR Bhopal
8Bio Fuels a Clean Green Alternative Fuel For IC Engines12-07-202116-07-2021FDPOnline (NITTTR Bhopal)
9UDAYAM E-Content Development Course28-07-202018-08-2020FDPOnline
10Comprehensive Online Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)06-07-202014-09-2020FDPOnline
11Fundamental of Welding Science and Technology27-01-202020-03-2020MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
12Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes29-07-201918-10-2019MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
13Evaluating Students’ Performance and Designing Question Papers25-02-201901-03-2019FDPGovernment Polytechnic - Bhuj
14Biology for Engineers and other non-biologists27-08-201821-09-2018MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
15Induction Phase - II27-08-201808-09-2018FDPNITTTR Extension, Ahmedabad
16Laws of Thermodynamics13-08-201807-09-2018MOOCOnline (NPTEL-SWAYAM)
17Emerging Trends in Major Thrust areas of Mechanical Engineering26-02-201809-03-2018FDPOnline (Government Engineering College - Bhuj
18Induction Training Phase - 112-06-201723-06-2017FDPNITTTR, Bhopal
19Multimedia Tools & Utilities through ICT27-03-201731-03-2017FDPRemote Centre of NITTTR, Chandīgarh at Govt.
20NSS PO Training01-03-201707-03-2017FDPGujarat Vidhyapith – Ahmedabad
#TitleDate Of AchievementDescription
1NPTEL Online Certification30-09-2024Achieved a position in the top 1% in the Sustainable Happiness course.
2SSIP Grant as Project Guide10-06-2024Received a grant of ₹27,700/- as a Project Guide for the project titled "Make a 3D Printer for PLA Material Components" under the Student Startup and Innovation Policy (SSIP).
3NPTEL Online Certification16-05-2024Achieved a position in the top 1% in the Educational for sustainable development course.
4NPTELOnline Certification20-11-2023Achieved a position in the top 1% in the Educational Leadership course.
5Pedagogical Innovation Award14-02-2023Awarded the Pedagogical Innovation Award (PIA) at the 12th GTU Innovation Sankul Awards 2023. The Pedagogical Innovation Awards are for recognizing the intervention in teaching-learning methodology at an individual and at the institutional level.
#TitlePublication TypePublication DateProceeding NameDoiIssnProceeding Type
1A Comprehensive Analysis of 3D Printing Technologies and its ApplicationsReview01-06-2024International Research Journal of Engineering2395-0072JOURNAL
2Parametric Optimization for Emission of Diesel Engine using Blends of Karanja Biodiesel by Taguchi MethodResearch18-03-2023International Journel of All Research Educatihttps://doi.org/10.56025/IJARESM.2023.1112236752455-6211JOURNAL
3Parametric Optimization for Performance of Diesel Engine using Blends of Karanja Biodiesel by Taguchi MethodResearch01-05-2013IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific 2321-0613JOURNAL
4A Review Study on Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Catalytic Converter by using blend of Karanja Biodiesel in Diesel engineReview01-03-2013International Journal for Scientific Research3231-0613JOURNAL

About us

Government Polytechnic, Bhuj, is the only government-run polytechnic in the Kutch region, Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and NBA Accredited