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Teaching Experience
7 Years
Industry Experience
0 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
#Organization NameDesignationStart DateEnd DateExperience Type
1Government Polytechnic BhujLecturer in English21-04-2018CONTINUETEACHING
#DegreeUniversitySpecializationPassing Year
1DoctorateKSKV Kachchh UniversityEnglish2018
2Other GraduatesKSKV Kachchh UniversityB.Ed (English)2005
3Master in ArtsGujarat UniversityEnglish Literature2004
4Graduate in ArtsGujarat UniversityEnglish 2002
#TitleStart DateEnd DateTraining TypePlace
1Gender and Literature22-08-202214-10-2022MOOCNPTEL -AICTE (Online)
2Induction Phase 227-06-202208-07-2022STTPNITTTR Bhopal online
3Communication Skills for Teachers19-07-202123-07-2021STTPNITTTR Bhopal online
4Stress Management26-08-202030-08-2020FDPATAL (Online)
5Udayam E Content Development28-07-202018-08-2020STTPKCG & HRDC Gujarat University (Online)
6Comprehensive Online Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)06-07-202014-09-2020STTPI HUB Education Department GOG Online
7New Age Pegagpgy of Teaching English in Diploma Classrooms22-07-201926-07-2019FDPGovernment Polytechnic Ahmedabad
8Induction Programme Phase 110-06-201921-06-2019STTPNITTTR Bhopal
9Beyond the Classroom towards Excellence06-08-201811-08-2024FDPIITE Gandhinagar
#TitlePublication TypePublication DateProceeding NameDoiIssnProceeding Type
1Different Shades of Motherhood in Shashi Deshpande's Novels Research30-05-2024M'other'hood: Challenges and Transcending DimMay 2024978-81-973466-3-7JOURNAL
2Identifying Gender Issues in Taslima Nasrin's Split:A LifeResearch 29-06-2023Identity: Reflections and Paradigms (BOOK)June 2023978-81-19001-77-4JOURNAL
3Ageing and Widowhood in Shashi Deshpande's Novels: A Selective StudyResearch30-07-2021Treads in Contemporary Language, Literature aJune 2021978-93-90919-81-9JOURNAL
4Resistance to Patriarchy : A Study of Khaled Hosseini's Defiant WomenResearch20-10-2020Gender, Sexuality and Liteature (BOOK)October 2020978-81-946799-0-5JOURNAL
5Beyond the Frontiers of Body and Mind: A Prostitute's Search for Sacred Love in Paulo Coelho's Eleven MinutesResearch31-07-2018Borders and Boundries: Diasporic Images and RJuly 2018978-81-933307-6-0CONFERENCE
6Disporic Dilemma in Rohinton Mistry's Tales from Firozsha BaagResearch28-02-2015Literary QuestFeb 20152349-5650 CONFERENCE

About us

Government Polytechnic, Bhuj, is the only government-run polytechnic in the Kutch region, Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and NBA Accredited