Mr. Nikunj Thaker
Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Official Email
Teaching Experience
20 Years
Industry Experience
9 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
# | Organization Name | Designation | Start Date | End Date | Experience Type |
1 | Government Polytechnic, Bhuj | Lecturer in Civil Engineering | 05-10-2012 | CONTINUE | TEACHING |
2 | C. U. Shah Govt. Polytechnic, Surendranagar | Lecturer in Civil Engineering | 09-03-2005 | 04-10-2012 | TEACHING |
3 | Various Private Organisations | Site Engineer and Other | 01-01-1996 | 08-03-2005 | INDUSTRY |
# | Degree | University | Specialization | Passing Year |
1 | Master of Engineering | Gujarat Technological University | Civil- Transportation | 2012 |
2 | Bachelor of Engineering | Saurashtra University, Rajkot | Civil Engineering | 1995 |
3 | Other Graduates | B and B Polytechnic (Now BBIT) V. V. Nagar | Advanced Diploma in Structural Engineering | 1992 |
# | Title | Date Of Achievement | Description |
1 | Best Faculty Award | 26-01-2022 | Best faculty Award was given by Government Polytechnic, Bhuj |
2 | Gold Medal from GICEA | 09-03-2013 | Gujarat Institute of Civil Engineers and Architects has given Shri I K Modi GICEA gold medal for outstanding Performance at ME Civil |
3 | Gold Medal from GTU | 19-01-2013 | Gold Medal received from GTU for Top rank in ME Civil Transportation at Convocation 2 |