Mr. Jitendra Narendrakumar Chavda
Official Email
Teaching Experience
8 Years
Industry Experience
2 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
# | Organization Name | Designation | Start Date | End Date | Experience Type |
1 | Government Polytechnic Bhuj | Lecturer | 30-10-2017 | CONTINUE | TEACHING |
2 | J K Lakshmi Cement ltd. | Graduate Engineer Trainee | 27-01-2015 | 18-04-2016 | INDUSTRY |
3 | Gujarat Mineral Research & Development Societ | Mines Supervisor | 01-01-2014 | 30-11-2014 | INDUSTRY |
4 | Bhagwant University | Assistant Professor | 22-07-2013 | 24-12-2013 | TEACHING |
# | Degree | University | Specialization | Passing Year |
1 | Other Graduates | Technical Examinations Board | Post Diploma in Industrial Safety | 2017 |
2 | Bachelor of Engineering | Gujarat technological University | Mining Engineering | 2013 |
# | Title | Start Date | End Date | Training Type | Place |
1 | Industrial training | 08-07-2024 | 27-07-2024 | INDUSTRIAL | GMDC Ltd. |
2 | Learning Research Analysis and Data Visualization | 20-03-2023 | 24-03-2023 | STTP | NITTTR Bhopal |
3 | Surface Mining Technology | 01-07-2022 | 31-10-2022 | MOOC | NPTEL IIT Kharagpur |
4 | Underground Mining of Metalliferous Deposits | 01-07-2021 | 31-10-2021 | MOOC | NPTEL IIT Kharagpur |
5 | Comprehensive Online Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) | 06-07-2020 | 14-09-2020 | FDP | GoG (i-Hub) |
# | Title | Date Of Achievement | Description |
1 | Second Class Manager's Certificate | 27-01-2016 | Certified by Government of India under the Metalliferous Mines Regulations -1961. |