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Teaching Experience
23 Years
Industry Experience
0 Years
Staff ID (GTU)
Faculty Type
#Organization NameDesignationStart DateEnd DateExperience Type
1Government Polytechnic BhujPrincipal (I/c) and HOD IT,G.E.S.Class-110-09-202227-12-2024TEACHING
2Government Polytechnic HimatnagarHOD Information Technology,G.E.S.Class-102-09-201809-09-2022TEACHING
3Government Polytechnic BhujLecturer in Information Technology28-08-200701-09-2018TEACHING
4BPTI BhavnagarLecturer in Information Technology11-03-200527-08-2007TEACHING
5LCIT Bhandu Mahesana,Engineering CollegeLecturer,Computer engineering14-07-200310-03-2005TEACHING
6Swami Sachchidanand Polytechnic VisnagarLecturer, Computer Engineering17-07-200230-04-2003TEACHING
#DegreeUniversitySpecializationPassing Year
1DoctorateGujarat Technological University, AhmedabadComputer/IT Engineering2020
2Master of EngineeringGujarat Technological University AhmedabadComputer Science and Engineering2013
3Bachelor of EngineeringGujarat University AhmedabadComputer Engineering2002
#TitleStart DateEnd DateTraining TypePlace
1Guidance Counselling and mentoring skills29-07-201902-08-2019STTPNITTTR Bhopal
2NBA Accreditation22-07-201926-07-2019STTPIIT RAM Ahmedabad
3Network Management and Server Administration using windows30-07-201802-08-2018STTPNITTTR Bhopal
4Soft Computing technique through MATLAB through ICT05-03-201809-03-2018STTPGP Bhuj (NITTTR Chandigadh Remote Ext Center)
5Software Based Network : SDN and integration of virtualization of Network19-12-201723-12-2017STTPNITK Suruthkal
6scilab programming through ICT21-08-201725-08-2017MOOCGP Bhuj (NITTTR Chandigadh Remote Ext Center)
7Disaster Management an awareness program for polytechnic and engineering college teachers24-07-201728-07-2017STTPNITTTR Kolkata
8Managerial skill for technical teacher and administrators 15-05-201726-05-2017STTPNITTTR Bhopal
9Multimedia tools and utilities through ICT27-03-201731-03-2017MOOCGP Bhuj (NITTTR Chandigadh Remote Ext Center)
10Cyber crime and forensic tools through ICT06-02-201710-02-2017STTPGP Bhuj (NITTTR Chandigadh Remote Ext Center)
11Leading from within managing your ego and emotion07-11-201611-11-2016STTPNITTTR Chandigadh
12Reseach Methodology and Academic Writing 26-10-201506-11-2015STTPNITTTR Bhopal
13Understanding Industrial process,control,methodology and machinary08-06-201512-06-2015STTPGEC Bhuj
14ASP.Net and VB.Net 02-02-201506-02-2015STTPNITTTR Bhopal
15Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in Engineering Education 05-01-201531-01-2015STTPR K University, IIT Bombay Extension Center
16Induction Training Phase-II01-09-201412-09-2014STTPNITTTR Bhopal Ext Center, RCTI Ahmedabad
17Special Training program for Commissionerate of Technical Education14-07-201418-07-2014STTPSPIPA Gandhinagar
18Karm Yogi Residential Traning for Quality Improvement 06-02-201408-02-2014STTPSwaminarayan Mandir Gandhinagar
19Developing PEO,PO,CO in computer and allied branches14-10-201318-10-2013MOOCNITTTR Bhopal Ext Center, RCTI Ahemedabad
20Dynamic webpage designing using PHP and MySQL16-09-201320-09-2013STTPNITTTR Bhopal
21Computer Hardware and Networking24-11-200807-12-2008INDUSTRIALVardhman Computers Bhuj
22Induction Phase-109-06-200820-06-2008STTPTFG Polytechnic Adipur
23Database Concepts12-05-200709-06-2007INDUSTRIALNIIT Bhuj
24Web Technology12-03-200717-03-2007STTPB and B Polytechnic Vallabhvidhyanagar
#TitleDate Of AchievementDescription
1Quality Education Award, Government Polytechn16-05-2023Received Quality Education Award, Government Polytechnic Bhuj on GTU Foundation Day
2DPC Member14-06-2022Worked as Doctoral Progress Committee Member for 2 students Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad and 1 student for Ganpat University
3Reviewer of Research Journals21-07-2021Reviewer of many technical Journals such as IEEE Communication letters, Elsevier publications
4Ph.D.(computer/IT Engineering)25-11-2020Received Degree of Ph.D.(Computer/IT Engineering) in Nov-2020
#TitlePublication TypePublication DateProceeding NameDoiIssnProceeding Type
1Coverless Information Hiding and reviewResearch01-10-2022Proceedings of International Conference on CoCONFERENCE
2Fault Administration by Load Balancing in Distributed SDN Controller: A ReviewResearch01-10-2020Wireless Personal communicationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07545-22005-4238, 29(7)JOURNAL

About us

Government Polytechnic, Bhuj, is the only government-run polytechnic in the Kutch region, Approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and NBA Accredited